
About Us

Organize Life, Plan Ahead, Sort Out the Mess is a consulting firm specializing in personal preparation for, and avoidance of, life’s unexpected emergencies, organization of personal belongings, simplification and planning for routine tasks and events.  Currently offering YouTube videos and online blogs, with plans to offer private seminars and one-on-one meetings, strives to provide suggestions, guidance and assistance that will benefit the reader or attendee, as well as their family and loved ones.  From simple inventory lists to be prepared for an emergency or quickly pack for business or pleasure trips, to planning final arrangements and allowing loved ones to grieve a loss instead of worry…  from organizing important documents for safe-keeping, to efficiently labeling and organizing keepsakes in a storage space…  from a simple smoking cessation schedule, to ideas on ensuring a healthy quantity of water is consumed daily.  These are the types of scenarios that works to discuss, simplify and implement in family’s lives so that less stress, worry and concern will lead to a happier, healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle. 

Contact Info

At this time,  my primary focus is on YouTube and Blog content, but please feel free to contact me at if you would like to discuss other services and promotions.

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